Warsaw & Sobi... - Majdanek - Warsaw Touring - Tykochin & Tr... - Auschwitz - Birkenau - Cracow & Kielce - Misc. Poland - Holyland Model &... - Preparing for... - HaNegev & Mas... - Independence Hall & Yitzhak Rabin Memorial - Druze & First... - Hagalil - Haifa, Outer Jer... - Tower of David, Yad... - Last Days in Israel - Moshe...

Outside Independence Hall
Outside Independence Hall
Independence Hall
Independence Hall
Picture of Theodor Herzl in Independence Hall
Picture of Theodor Herzl in Independence Hall
Independence Hall
Independence Hall
Yitzhak Rabin Memorial
Yitzhak Rabin Memorial
Yitzhak Rabin Memorial
Yitzhak Rabin Memorial
Here at this place YITZHAK RABIN Prime Minister...
Here at this place YITZHAK RABIN Prime Minister...
Yitzhak Rabin Memorial
Yitzhak Rabin Memorial